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Getting to Know the Different Types of Gemstones


When you are looking for a piece of great jewelry then one of the best options that you can have is the gemstone jewelry. These are the ones that are considered to be the most sought after when talking about jewelry. But since there are many options that you can have in the market right now that choosing the right one might into be that easy. And that is why in this article that we will be talking about the many different types of gemstone that you are able to see in the market.


The first type of gemstones from Gemstone Universe is the natural ones. It is these types that most people are really looking for. It is the natural gemstones that are considered to be natures gift to man. They are retrieved by way of mining. There are some people that would think that natural gemstone are the ones that will cost more and they will be expenses for sure. You need to know that it is not really the case all the time. You need to remember that gemstones are priced depending on factors like desirability, quality, and availability. You can find some gemstones even in their natural forms that will be cheaper compared to others. One of the reasons for this is that some are more abundant than others. The quality of a gemstone is also determined by its color and brilliance.


Another type of gemstone is the synthetic ones. These are produced artificially in a lab although these resemble a natural gemstone in chemical properties, physical looks, and color. It is now harder for instruments and experienced experts to detect them. This is due to modern technological breakthroughs which makes it easier to grow gems such as diamonds.  These are also significantly cheaper and that is in an advantage that they have. Be sure to find out more here!


Another gemstone that you can see in the market is the imitation ones. These are made to resemble a natural gem only in appearance and are made from either glass or plastic. Easily detected is what these types are also. These are usually the cheapest when taking a look at the price hierarchy. For more ideas about jewelry, visit


A composite gemstone is also another type that you can see in the market. A thin film of the real gemstone which it is trying to imitate is what is done. It is here where the larger chunk is utilized from glass which is then coated with it. A color bonding agent is used in order to blend the stone and the glass. With the naked eye, these stones cannot be told from a real gemstone. An expert however with a jeweler's loupe can tell the difference.

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